An Ice Age Life
An Ice Age Life is a 1999 Japanese-American traditionally animated movie. It tells the story of Kip (Lou Albano), an outcast inventor cronopio who recruits a group of circus animals he mistakes for warriors when his colony is threatened by a group of dire wolves. It is produced by Hanna-Barbera. The movie was directed by Jim Stenstrum. The movie takes place on the same day as A Bug's Life and is animated by Japanese animation studio Mook Animation. Cast: Lou Albano as Kip Rickie Lee Jones as Princess Anna Kathryn Cressida as Dinah Danny Glover as Hunter Joan Gerber as the Queen Will Ryan as Soren Will Smith as Logan Eric Idle as Seth Christopher Plummer as Herbert Billy Crystal as Frankie Scott McNeil as Rock and Roll Richard Newman as Murphy Whitney Houston as Gia Courtney Cox as Rachel Lee Tockar as Glot Jaleel White as Mr. Moe Tracey Ulman as Dr. Fiona Jim Carrey as Tony Kenneth Mars as Calvin Insect Species (Cast): Ant - Cronopio Grasshopper - Dire Wolf Flea - Leptictidium La...